Dr. Venus Accepts . Venus Tours to 'Places of Power' Visit The Integrated Stress Management Clinic . Top Visit The Integrated Stress Management Clinic Book your personal advice/counselling, Hypnosis, or Reiki appointment and experience the peace and tranqulity of Toronto's most innovative and Utopian clinic: follow this link You will be taken to WWW.INTEGRATEDSTRESSMANAGEMENT.COM, where you can take a virtual tour of the clinic, and receive further direct contact information. NEW! LIVE TELEPHONE WELLNESS CONSULTATION! . Top NEW! Venus Tours to Places of Power Enlightening cultural journeys to expand individual awareness and promote Corporate Team Building..... Venus Tours offers you the opportunity to visit places once thought too remote and difficult to organize on your own. Now, at the touch of your keypad, Venus Tours puts it all together for you, including Deluxe Hotel featuring King sized bed and jacuzzi, all ground transportation, museum and ruin entrance fees, and daily guided tours to the centers of mystical Ancient Meso America, with Official Guide Salvador Garduno Maya and meditations with Venus. Currently offered tours include Aztec/Mexican Plateau, Maya/Yucatan Peninsula, and Anasazi/Arizona. VISA MC accepted, deposit required upon booking. Tours are available during the spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons. Availability is limited to 5 individuals per tour, book in advance! For more detailed information, contact your Venus Tours representative today and receive your free e-brochure: Venus Tours Info |